Interaction - Bachelors

Fidget Sandbox

This project started off by researching into the underlying causes of fidgeting behaviours. Fidget gadgets in particular have granted people a way of supressing anxiety and stress. The interactions performed through fidget gadgets sparked the question of whether a visual outcome could be implemented. The Fidget Sandbox incorporates a visual game-like component to correspond with a fidget control device. It retains the aspect of fidgeting where the user can experience a ludic activity involving an interactive sandbox. Take control of a ragdoll character model and be set free to bounce about the virtual space filled with interactive objects.

Brent Anthony Antalan

The process


Research Seminar
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This section shows images captured from the low, medium, and high fidelity development stages. Early concepts received feedback from fellow peers which would provide direction for the rest of the development phase. Sketches are translated into rough prototype models before Arduino and Unity are used to make up the final iterations.

arduino development

first prototype build

Phase 3

User Evaluation
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2 MB
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final high fidelity prototype & Exhibition flyer

Brent Anthony Antalan

Brent is an Interaction Design student set to graduate in 2022. Brent's interests lie in the field of user experience design while also taking a grasp towards web and app design. He has honed core skills he gained throughout his course that culminate in his capstone project.