Interaction - Bachelors


Polo is an interactive prototype designed for iPad which combines fun, ludic design with information on water efficiency. It was designed in Adobe XD and Illustrator with the intention of being used to help families learn useful water saving habits to conserve their water usage.



Creating an account

To play Polo, one player can create an account for all family members to join. The app is designed for a family of four, and allows players to log in and choose their own profile to contribute to the family challenges and rankings.

Picture of App Membership screen

Water efficiency guide

The water efficiency guide has a slider with four tubes marking the kitchen, bathroom, laundry and outside area. Players can use the slider to discover two levels of weekly water usage for the family. Once the level changes, the water in the tubes changes, marking the quantity commmonly used within households. There are buttons to see how much water should be used for each area and appliance to meet the usage level. Players can also find helpful links on Australian water usage standards.

Picture of Water Efficiency Guide

Rewards and Challenges

Players must care for their family aquarium through completing challenges within their household. They are provided a family challenge meter which tracks their challenge completion. Once the family has reached the end of the challenge meter, they are upgraded to a new level and are given a new feature for the aquarium. Players can compete as a family against other households through rankings and achieve rewards for their own completion of challenges to help the family.

The challenges are based on habits such as keeping a shower to four minutes and searching for reusable sources of water within the home.

Picture of Family Aquarium

Daniel McCleary

Sustainable innovation and creative thinking are just some of the key factors driving the ambition of Daniel McCleary's work. Daniel has a passion for creating meaningful, thought-provoking concepts which present humanitarian causes in an engaging, tangible way. A passion he will continue to develop and refine as he continues his interaction design journey.