Interaction - Bachelors
The design concept is an interactive app for group planning and collaboration. Throughout the design process, I explored the emerging trend of interacting in hybridised environments and investigated how micro-interactions can enhance this. Thus, arose the design opportunity for micro interactions to not just make up for the loss of human-to-human interactions but potentially enhance them. Ultimately, , the design concept is to enhance and enrich the experience of group interactions to encompass a playful and collaborative experience via an app. Furthermore, aiming to continuously explore the possibilities of UX/UI design in transforming group planning from being notoriously a daunting messy process, to an easy experience that fosters excitement instead of conflict.
The design concept is an interactive app for group planning and collaboration. Throughout the design process, I explored the emerging trend of interacting in hybridised environments and investigated how micro-interactions can enhance this. Thus, arose the design opportunity for micro interactions to not just make up for the loss of human-to-human interactions but potentially enhance them. An example of this is the ‘lucky draw’ feature which enables users to enter two or more conflicting choices into the draw where random computerisation will select an option. Therefore, this simple micro-interaction can enhance the experience of group planning by adding a playful element – that is, an impartial moderator – to avoid potential conflicts.
The app design created includes many functions such as:
– Splitting bills – money pooling when booking accommodation etc.
– Ability to assign people tasks and remind/ notify users (ability to organise who does what/ who brings what)
– Group chat feature (chat, call)
– Notice board – being able to “pin” key messages that otherwise get lost in the long flow of chat messages
– Lucky draw feature
– General scheduling via calendar
– Activity finder game
Moreover, the app utilises rounded shapes and wave-like shapes, customization, a variety of colours, informal typography and animation for a playful interface design. Thus, the design concept is to enhance and enrich the experience of group interactions to encompass a playful and collaborative experience via an app. Furthermore, aiming to continuously explore the possibilities of UX/UI design in transforming group planning from being notoriously a daunting messy process, to an easy experience that fosters excitement instead of conflict.
As a Designer the two most important underlying principles that she aspires to align her work with is first, to foster her desire to help others, and secondly, to continually feed her child-like wonder. She takes pride in her ability to empathise with many different user perspectives as it enables her to see and capitalise upon the scope of opportunities that would not otherwise be visible if she were myopic. Moving forward as a designer she would love the opportunity to enact real change and help real people.